International Pages

Japanese Page


We provide language and cultural support for several Asian languages, including Japanese. The large number of characters in the Japanese language makes it impossible to arrange them on a keyboard. Therefore, an input method, called the input server, is used to make sequences of keyboard events that correspond to each kanji character. The input server for WorldView(TM) Japanese is called xwnmo2.  It translates your input of phonetic symbols into the equivalent character or characters and provides a list of choices when there is any ambiguity.


To customize your system to recognize certain conventions, such as date and time formats, currency format, and sorting order, as well as to display information and accept input in Japanese, please follow the steps below.




Your system has one of several possible keyboards. Although ipanel provides you with a default keyboard configuration, you should either confirm the default or select a different configuration.


When you have made all your selections:


To print a Japanese language text file, use the Printer Manager to set up a Japanese language printer, then use the following command:

% lp -dprinter textfile

where printer is the name of your printer and textfile is the name of your file. If no Japanese language printer is available, use the following command:

% lpjtext textfile | lp